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Timber Frame Construction

Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation in timber-frame construction
Thermal insulation used in timber frame construction is positioned between the stud framework. Similar to the vapour control layer, thermal insulation should not be fitted between the stud framework until the moisture content is below 18%.
Insulation commonly comes in two main forms, these being:
  • Rolled Quilts, which are installed by stapling the quilts to the studwork to prevent it from moving with the wall cavity and producing a cold bridge.
  • Semi-Rigid batts, which are cut to a specific size and wedged in between the studwork. Again, all areas must be covered to prevent a cold bridge from forming.
Types of insulation used
Both types of insulation come in many different specifications and thickness. It is important that a suitable insulation is chosen for your particular needs that is suitable in timber frame construction but can also interact with services passing through it without causing issues. The most common type of insulation used in timber frame construction is a fibre glass/wool quilt, which is stapled between the studwork. 
Insulation may also provide a level of sound insulation and fire resistance depending on type and specification.
Timber frame Cavity Vapour control layer Sound insulation