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Part E Sound


The requirements of sound insulation can be said to be met if the requirements of Table 1 of Technical Guidance Document E are achieved.

 Table HE1 - Sound performance levels - Extract from TGD E
Compliance Methods
Compliance with the requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations will be said to be met where walls and floors within dwellings are, where relevant:
  1. Designed and constructed using construction details as detailed in Sections 3 and 4 of this document.
  2. Capable of achieving the performance levels detailed in Table 1 of Technical Guidance Document E when tested in accordance with Section 2 of this document.
Higher levels of sound insulation may be required where the accommodation adjoining the dwelling is not used for normal domestic purposes i.e. common areas or non-domestic use such as retail, office etc. Advice should be sought from a suitable qualified specialist to determine the levels noise generated in this space and therefore the level of additional sound insulation required.
Protected Structures
Due to the nature of their construction and limitations in the permitted alterations the application of the recommendations provided within this document and Technical Guidance Document E may not be suitable without modification.
The following recommendations should be implemented when dealing with the material alterations or material change of use of a protected structure:
  1. A full acoustic assessment should be undertaken on the protected structure including testing as detailed in Part 2 of this document to establish the existing acoustic performance.
  2. Expert acoustic advise should be obtained, suitable methods of improving the sound insulation that will not damage the existing structure should be implemented where necessary.
The minimum standards of sound insulation provided in Table 1 of Technical Guidance Document E may not be achievable for protected structures however, the aim should be to achieve the best possible sound insulation value possible based on the conditions as advised by an acoustic expert.
Any works undertaken should not damage the character or structure of the protected building, if necessary an application should be made to the local Building Control Authority for a relaxation or dispensation from the Requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations.
External works Floors External insulation Cavity wall insulation Underfloor insulation Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Ceiling insulation Roof insulation Intermediate floors Time and temperature Zone control Ground conditions Sound insulation Tongue and groove Building energy rating Energy performance certificate Retrofit assessment Home energy assessment Bead insulation Pumped insulation External wall insulation Vapour control layer Underfloor heating pipes Pitch Piling Fire stopping PI Planning permission Plumbing Planning Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Structurally insulated panels Solar panels Fireline board EL Electric showers Light gauge steel