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Part B Fire Safety Volume 2 dwelling houses

B10 Access and Facilities for the Fire Service

B10 A dwelling house shall be so designed and constructed that there is adequate provision for access for fire appliances and such other facilities as may be reasonably required to assist the fire service in the protection of life and property. 
5.1 Access and facilities for the fire service
5.1.1 General
The purpose of the requirement of Regulation B10 is to ensure satisfactory access for fire appliances to buildings and facilities in buildings to assist fire fighters in the protection of life and property. 
5.2 Performance
The requirement of B10 may be met: 
(a) if there is sufficient means of external access to enable fire appliances to be brought near to the building for effective use; 
(b) if there is sufficient means of access into, and within, the building for firefighting personnel to effect rescue and fight fire; 
all to an extent dependent on the use and size of the building. 
5.3 Introduction to Provisions
5.3.1 Scope
While the fire safety objectives of Part B relate principally to the protection of life from fire (see 0.1.1), Section 5 relates to measures intended to assist the fire services in the protection of life and property from fire. 
Fire authorities have functions under the Fire Services Acts, 1981 and 2003 to provide fire brigades for the extinguishment of fires and for the protection and rescue of persons and property from injury by fire. Regulation B10 provides for the provision of access and other facilities to assist the fire service in the protection of life and property from fire. 
The guidance in this Section relates to the provision of facilities for the fire service within and around buildings for the purpose of protecting life and mitigating property damage due to fire. 
For dwelling houses, it is usually only necessary to ensure that the building is sufficiently close to a point accessible to fire and rescue service vehicles. For very large dwelling houses additional measures may be necessary. The guidance given in Part B Volume 1 (Buildings other than dwelling houses) may be applicable. 
Vehicle access routes and hard-standings should meet the criteria described in 5.4.4 if they are to be used by fire service vehicles. 
5.4 Vehicle Access
5.4.1 Introduction
Fire brigade vehicle access to the exterior of a dwelling house is required to enable pumping appliances to supply water and equipment for firefighting. 
Access for fire appliances should be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined in 5.4.2 below. 
5.4.2 Provision of Vehicle Access
For effective firefighting operations, fire brigade appliances should be able to get within 45 m of the principal entrance to the dwelling house. 
5.4.3 Existing Dwelling House
In the case of a material alteration or extension of an existing dwelling house, the requirements of B10 of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations may be met if the access and facilities for the fire service are not altered in such a way as to reduce the extent or performance of those that existed before the material alteration or extension. 
In the case of a material change of use of a building to a dwelling house, it will be necessary to assess the access and facilities for the fire services in accordance with the guidance of the relevant sub-section to this Section. 
It may also be prudent to seek advice from the relevant fire authority in relation to such matters 
5.4.4 Design of Access Routes and Hardstandings
A vehicle access route may be a public or private road, or other route, which, including any manhole or other covers, meets the standards in Table 5.1 and the following paragraph. 
Where access roadways are provided within the site of a dwelling house , turning facilities for appliances, in accordance with the requirements of Table 5.1 should be provided in any dead-end access route that is more than 20 m long.

 Table HB8 - Vehicle access route specifications - Extract from TGD B Vol. 2
5.4.5 Requirements for switches Photovoltaic Panels.
Where Photovoltaic (P.V.) panels are provided on buildings, provision should be made for the isolation of the panel array externally and in accordance with ET101, 2008.
Second fix External works Fire safety External insulation Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Structurally insulated panels Solar panels Time and temperature Manhole Fire stopping Fire mastic Fire wraps Fire board Tongue and groove Public liability Building energy rating Energy performance certificate Water pump Water tank External wall insulation External doors Fire doors Switches Water membrane Water vapour membrane Fire cable Underfloor heating pipes Pitch Piling PI Planning permission Plumbing Planning Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Fireline board EL Electric showers Light gauge steel