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Building Energy Ratings

BER Building Regulations


The Building Regulations (Part L Amendment) Regulations 2008 implement Articles 3, 4, 5 (part of) and 6 of the EPBD in relation to CO* emissions. Article 7, which relates to BER, is outside the scope of the Building Regulations. However, the same method (DEAP) is used to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations Requirement L1 in relation to Maximum Permitted Carbon Dioxide Emission Rate (MPCDER) and for producing BER.

Article 7 of the EPBD was transposed into law in Ireland by the European Communities (Energy Performance of Buildings) Regulations 2006 that were published by the Minister for Environment, Heritage, and Local Government in December 2006 (Statutory Instruments S.I. No. 666 of 2006). These regulations are available from: Government Publications Office, Sun Alliance House, Moleswoth Street, Dublin 2. A copy of the regulations can also be downloaded from

The Building Regulations (Part L Amendment) 2011 must still be complied with in relation to conservation of fuel and energy.