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Part E Sound

Appendix B



This Appendix describes a method for assessing and certifying construction types which, if constructed correctly, should achieve the performance level set out in Table 1.

Table HE1 - Sound performance levels - Extract from TGD E
Table HE1 - Sound performance levels - Extract from TGD E

NOTE: All elements incorporated into the building must comply with all parts of the Building Regulations and the following guidance assesses compliance with Part E only.

Description of construction type

The sound insulation between walls on either side of a sound resisting wall or floor depends not only on the wall or floor specification but also on other factors, including the size and shape of the rooms.

For buildings constructed in masonry, the positions of doors and windows may also be important in reducing flanking transmission.

In accordance with Technical Guidance Document E a report should be prepared providing a detailed description of the construction type, in addition to:

  • details of materials used in construction and finishes;

  • mass per unit area in kg/m2 of separating walls and separating floors;

  • flanking construction details.

Target performance recommendations

The performance of any construction can ultimately be let down by poor workmanship on site. It is recommended that the target sound insulation performance level of assessed construction should have a mean value of 4 dB better than the minimum values set out in Table 1 of Technical Guidance Document E.

Test sampling requirements

In order to gain a more representative sample of what sound insulation performance and repeatability might be typical of any given construction type in practice, test data should be obtained from a range of testers and sites. Table B.1 of Technical Guidance Document E, provided below outlines the test sampling requirements.

Table HE6 - Test sampling requirements - Extract from TGD E
Table HE6 - Test sampling requirements - Extract from TGD E

Competency of tester

For the purposes of this Appendix, sound insulation tests as detailed previously must be carried out by a competent person, possessing sufficient training, experience and knowledge of construction technology and the measurement of sound insulation in buildings and should be independent of the promoter of the system, e.g. builder/ manufacturer.

NOTE: Sound insulation tests carried out by a person certified by an independent third party to carry out this work offers a way of ensuring that such certification can be relied on.

Use of historic test data

Historic test data from field measurements of sound insulation tests (not laboratory data) may be used in part or in full to satisfy the requirements of test sampling provided that the test data:

  1. Is relevant to the same construction type and has the same flanking details;

  2. Meets the performance levels outlined in Table 1 of Technical Guidance Document E;

  3. Fulfils the sampling requirements outlined in Table 2 of Technical Guidance Document E, and

  4. Has been established in accordance with the procedure for sound insulation testing outlined in Appendix A of this document.

Assessment and Certification

The report and test results as detailed previously in this Appendix showing compliance with the target performance recommendations should be assessed by an independent approved body e.g. the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), and certified as meeting the criteria of Appendix B.

NOTE: Accreditation of an approved body, by a member of the European cooperation for Accreditation (EA) such as the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) also offers a way ofensuring that such certification can be relied on.

Floors Sound insulation Windows