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Air Leakage

Acceptable construction details


ACDs are standardized construction details provided to the construction industry with the aim of showing how compliance can be achieved with regards to air leakage and thermal bridging sections of the building regulations. ACDs have been produced by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) with the assistance of HomeBond and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

ACDs are included in the publication Limiting Thermal Bridging and Air Infiltration -- Acceptable Construction Details available to download from the DEHLG website http://www.environ.ie under the section Building Standards / Technical Guidance Documents / Part L Supplementary Documents.

ACDs illustrate good practice for design and construction of interfaces only in respect to ensuring thermal performance and air barrier continuity. Where the ACDs are being used, the guidance must be implemented with due regard to all other requirements imposed by the Building Regulations.
