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What are the regulations on materials and workmanship?

The Building Regulations, Part D – SI 224 (2013)
D1 -- Materials and Workmanship
All works to which these regulations apply shall be conducted with proper materials and in a workman-like manner.
D2 -- Letterplates
A letter plate aperture shall be positioned at a reasonable height so as not to endanger the health and safety of people using it.
‘proper materials’ – materials fit for their intended use and the conditions in which they are to be used, and materials that
  • bear a CE marking in accordance with Construction Products Regulation provisions and
  • comply with an appropriate harmonised standard or European Technical Assessment in accordance with Construction Products Regulation provisions and
  • comply with an appropriate Irish Standard or Irish Agreement Certificate, or with an alternative national technical specification of any State that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, providing in use an equivalent level of safety and suitability
‘Agreement on the European Economic Area’ – the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the EU, its member states, and the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and the Kingdom of Norway as published in the Official Journal of European
Communities (OJ No. L1, 03, 01, 1994, P.3)
‘Construction Products Regulation’ – EU Regulation No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9^th^, 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC
External works Fire safety Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Time and temperature Percoltion area Ground conditions Tongue and groove Building energy rating Energy performance certificate Retrofit assessment Home energy assessment Planning permission Plumbing Planning Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Structurally insulated panels Solar panels Fireline board EL Electric showers Light gauge steel Timber frame BER