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BCAR Ireland: Building Control Amendment Regulations

Appendix A~C

Appendix A: Requirements of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations
For further information refer to the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government website at the following link:
Appendix B: Guidance for the development of an Inspection Plan
B.1 Inspection Plan
Section 7 of the Code of Practice deals with construction stage inspection by Certifiers and, amongst other things, outlines the factors to be considered when developing an Inspection Plan. The process may be broken down into two simple steps, as follows:
Step 1 - Risk Assessment
The Assigned Certifier should use professional judgement to determine the risk associated with the proposed works. Each development should be assessed on its merits, taking into account the complexity of the site, its environment, the type, size and complexity of construction being adopted and the capabilities and expertise of the builder or developer (Refer to 7.1.1).
Step 2 - Risk Management
Based on the risk assessment, the key stages of the building works should be identified. Key elements from each stage should be prioritised for inspection. The number of inspections required (and by whom) should be determined for each
 stage (Refer to 3.4 e and 7.1.2).
Table B.1 shows an example template for an Inspection Plan.
Table B.1 Inspection Plan Template
B.2 Example
The following example applies the process described in B.1 to a detached noncomplex dwelling house.
The project involves the construction of a new 4 bed detached dwelling house on an exposed site, in a high radon area. Ground conditions are moderate. The external walls are masonry construction, with timber upper floors and prefabricated timber roof trusses covered with slates. An on-site wastewater treatment system (OSWWTS) is proposed. The builder is a CIRI registered builder.
Step 1 – Example Risk Assessment
Using professional judgement identify the risk elements.
  • Type and size: Dwelling house for single occupancy.
  • Type of construction: Traditional build.
  • Complexity of construction: Non-complex but high radon, ground conditions and OSWWTS noted as risks.
  • Expertise of builder: Competent.
Step 2 – Example Risk Management
Using the risks associated with the project as assessed in Step 1, create the inspection plan by identifying the key stages and prioritising the elements for inspection and assigning a frequency of inspection required.
Table B.2 Inspection Plan
Appendix C: Guidance when inspecting a Detached
Non-Complex Dwelling House
C.1 Introduction
This Appendix provides guidance for:
(a) Builders supervising, and
(b) Assigned Certifiers and other persons nominated to undertake necessary inspections of a detached a non-complex dwelling house.
Table C.1 provides an inspection template for a detached non-complex dwelling house.
Table C.2 provides a non-exhaustive list of typical documentation required to support compliance with the Building Regulations (Parts A to M) for a detached non-complex dwelling house.
Table C.3 provides a non-exhaustive list of typical construction products used in a detached non-complex dwelling, the certification of which should be available at each inspection stage.
C.2 Inspection Template for a Detached Non-Complex Dwelling House
Table C.1 provides an example inspection template identifying key inspection stages and typical elements which may be available for checking compliance with the Building Regulations at each stage. The list of elements for inspection is nonexhaustive and other relevant items particular to the dwelling house concerned should be included in the inspection template as necessary. The Assigned Certifier and others should exercise professional judgement with regards to its suitability for a particular project.
Table C.1 also reflects the Builder’s role to supervise the works in progress as well as providing an insight to the typical aspects of the construction warranting close supervision to assist in reducing the risk of non-compliances.

Table C.1 Inspection Template for a Detached Non‐Complex Dwelling House relevant to Commencement Notice No____
C.3 Supporting Documentation and Test Results for a Detached Non-Complex Dwelling House
Table C.2 provides a non-exhaustive list of documentation supporting compliance with the Building Regulations (Parts A to M) for a detached non-complex dwelling house.
The Assigned Certifier should consider and identify the need for such documentation at the earliest stage, and in as far advance as possible.
The Builder should ensure the coordination and provision of all test certificates and confirmations (for which he is responsible) to the satisfaction of the Assigned Certifier or other designated inspectors or certifiers providing Ancillary Certificates.
Table C.2 Typical documentation supporting compliance with Parts A to M for a Detached Non-Complex Dwelling House
C.4 Use of Proper Materials
All construction products and materials incorporated into the works should be “proper materials…which are fit for the use for which they are intended and for the conditions in which they are to be used” in accordance with Part D - Materials and Workmanship.
In this regard, Table C.3 provides a non-exhaustive list of some typical construction products used in a detached non-complex dwelling house, the certification of which should be available at each inspection stage.
Technical Guidance Documents6 provide information on performance levels of products and materials for specific end uses. Refer to Technical Guidance Document D (Materials and Workmanship) for guidance on the forms of specification/ certification.
Builders should ensure that the materials they select and for which they are responsible comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations.
C.4.1 Construction Products Regulation
Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (known as the Construction Products Regulation or “CPR”) lays down conditions for the placing or making available on the EU market of construction products by establishing harmonised rules on how to express the performance of construction products in relation to their essential characteristic and on the use of CE Marking on those products.
Since 1 July 2013, the CPR requires that construction products covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) have a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and a CE Marking when the product is placed on the EU market. The DoP for the product will contain detailed information on the product, its performance and identify those responsible for the various assessment tasks. The DoP is drawn up by the manufacturer, who, in doing so, assumes responsibility for the conformity of the product with the declared performances.
While the CPR deals with the placing and making available of construction products on the market, it should be noted that compliance with the CPR or CE marking by itself does not necessarily indicate that the material is suitable for use in works.
Therefore, when incorporating a product into construction works, it is essential that the declared performance of a product is fit for the use in which it is intended to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.
The National Standards Authority of Ireland has produced additional guidance in the form of National Annexes and Standard Recommendations9 which set out appropriate minimum performance levels for specific intended uses of construction products in Ireland e.g. refer to Annex E of S.R. 21:2014+A1:201610 for guidance for specifying
 aggregates for unbound granular fill (hardcore) for use under concrete floors and footpaths.
DoPs should be checked to ensure that the minimum performance levels for specific end uses have been met. Those responsible for the procurement of construction products e.g. builders should check the DoP and make it available for inspection by others.

Table C.3 Use of proper materials for a Detached Non-Complex Dwelling House relevant to CN____
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Planning permission Second fix External works Roof Radon Floors External insulation Radon barrier Radon sump Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump Insulated concrete formwork Modular build Timber frame IS 440 Roof insulation Intermediate floors Time and temperature Percoltion area Ground conditions Planning Two storey Detached Semi detached Tongue and groove Builders insurance Professional indemnity Building energy rating Energy performance certificate Retrofit assessment Home energy assessment External wall insulation Roof lights External doors Damp proof membrane Damp proof course Slate Underfloor heating pipes Pitch Piling Fire stopping PI Plumbing Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Structurally insulated panels Solar panels Fireline board EL Electric showers Light gauge steel BER