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What are the regulations on drainage and wastewater disposal?

The Building Regulations, Part H – SI 561 (2010)
H1 -- Drainage System
1. A building shall be provided with a drainage system necessary for the hygienic, adequate disposal of foul wastewater from the building.
2. A building shall be provided with a drainage system necessary for the adequate disposal of surface water from the building.
3. No part of a drainage system conveying foul wastewater shall be connected to a sewer reserved for surface water and no part of a drainage system conveying surface water shall be connected to a sewer reserved for foul wastewater.
H2 -- Wastewater Treatment Systems
1. Wastewater treatment systems shall be designed, sited and constructed so that –
  • they are not prejudicial to anyone’s health,
  • they do not cause a risk to public health or the environment,
  • they prevent unauthorised access but allow adequate means of access for emptying and maintenance,
  • they will function to a sufficient standard for the protection of health in the event of a system failure,
  • they have adequate capacity,
  • they are impermeable to liquids and
  • they are adequately ventilated.
2. Information on wastewater treatment systems and any continuing maintenance required to avoid risk to health and the environment shall be provided to the owner.
H3 -- Definitions
‘combined drain’ – a single private drain used for the drainage of two or more separate premises as defined by Section 10 of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act 1948 (No. 3)
‘drain’ – relating to a building, any pipe forming part of the drainage system of the building either –
  • wholly underground or
  • a continuation in the direction of flow of part of a drainage system that has been underground, including a ‘combined drain’
‘drainage system’ – relating to a building, the system of pipes and drains used for drainage of the building including all other fittings, appliances, and equipment used, but excluding subsoil water drains
‘domestic wastewater’ – water discharged from kitchens, laundry rooms, lavatories, bathrooms, toilets, and similar facilities (soil water and wastewater)
‘foul wastewater’ – any wastewater comprising wastewater and/or industrial wastewater
‘industrial wastewater’/’trade effluent’ – wastewater discharge resulting from any industrial/commercial activity
‘sewer’ – meaning as that of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Acts 1878-1964
‘surface water’ – water from precipitation that has not seeped into the ground, discharged to the drain or sewer system directly from the ground or exterior building surfaces
‘soil water’ – water containing excreted matter – human or animal
‘wastewater’ – used water (not soil water or trade effluent)
Sewer Drainage