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What are the key legislative changes underpinning SI 9, 2014?


Consumer protection, health and safety in/about buildings; competitiveness; and sustainability

Local Government Reform Act 2014 & Programme - Efficiency, customer service, and value for money

Building Control Amendment Regulations 2014 - A mandatory inspections and certification system including:

  • Certificates of compliance

  • Undertakings by owners, builders, assigned certifiers, and designers

  • Nomination of competent builders, assigned certifiers, and designers

Construction Products Regulations - These break down technical barriers and market surveillance: July 2013 -- construction products covered by harmonised European Standards; CE Marking mandatory for any product placed on the market.

Construction 2020 - Designed to strengthen public confidence through robust regulation:

  • ensuring effective implementation of Building Control (Amendment) Regulations leading to stronger consumer protection

  • agreed operational framework for BCAs to standardise work practices systems, procedures, and decision-making relating to oversight of
    building control activity across 31 BCAs – move towards a risk-based
    approach to inspections

  • a Construction Industry Register – Ireland’s register of contractors, builders and tradespersons

Jobs Action Plan - To improve the ease of doing business

Streamline the application procedures for Fire Safety Certificates and Disability Access Certificates To enable efficient administration and Government policy to make Ireland a better place to do business.

Further develop the Building Control Management System (BCMS) Prepare a comprehensive user manual for industry users Develop BCMS to incorporate/accommodate FSC, applications for waivers and dispensations etc.

Fire safety