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What are Ancillary Certifiers?


An "Ancillary Certificate” means a certificate other than a statutory certificate of compliance as prescribed in the Building Control Regulations given by a competent person to confirm compliance of elements of the building, design or works with Building Regulations;

An “Ancillary Certifier” means a person proposed to issue such a statement. (Note: a “person” also includes a company); Apart from the Assigned Certifier and Design Certifier there is likely to be a range of certifiers on most projects, including certifiers appointed by the Building Owner, by his design team and/or by the Builder.

Ancillary certifiers may include:

  • Architects and Architectural Technologists/Technicians;
  • Consulting Engineers (especially structural/civil and mechanical/electrical) appointed by the Building Owner to design, inspect and certify the relevant elements of the works;
  • Designers (e.g. for piling, for mechanical/electrical work, for soil and waste pipework or for precast concrete elements) appointed by the Builder to design and certify the relevant elements of the works;
  • Other competent technical and trade persons that install products and/or test on completion; and/or
  • The Builder, sub-contractors, suppliers and manufacturers, both in relation to certifying Design and Construction, and also in relation to components or assemblies supplied for the works, and/or in relation to tests. Every certifier should exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the exercise of their duties.