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Building Regulations Parts A-M FAQs

What are the regulations on means of warning and escape in case of fire?

The Building Regulations, Part B – SI 57 (2017)
B6 Means of warning and escape in case of fire.
A dwelling house shall be designed and constructed so that there are adequate means of escape in case of fire from the building to a place of safety outside the building that is capable of providing safe, effective use.
B7 Internal Fire Spread (linings)
For the purpose of inhibiting fire spread within a building, internal linings –
  • shall have either a rate of heat release or of fire growth and a resistance to ignition reasonable in the circumstances and
  • shall offer adequate resistance to the spread of flame over their surfaces.
B8 Internal Fire Spread (structure)
1. A dwelling house shall be designed and constructed so that in the event of fire, its stability will be maintained for a reasonable period.
2. A wall common to a dwelling house and to one or more adjoining buildings shall be designed and constructed so that if offers adequate resistance to the spread of fire between those buildings.
3. A dwelling house shall be sub-divided with fire-resisting construction where necessary to inhibit fire spread within the dwelling house.
4. For the purposes of 2, a dwelling house in a terrace and semi-detached dwelling houses are to be treated as separate buildings.
B9 External Fire Spread
The external walls and roof of a dwelling house shall be designed and constructed so that they afford adequate resistance to fire spread to and from neighbouring buildings.
B10 Access and Facilities for the Fire Service
A building shall be designed and constructed so that there is adequate provision for access to fire appliances and other such facilities as may be reasonably required to assist the fire service in their protection of life and property.
B11 Definitions
‘dwelling house – a dwelling that is not a flat
External works Fire safety Roof Heat pumps External insulation Cavity wall insulation Wall ties Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Roof insulation Time and temperature Detached Semi detached Fire stopping Fire mastic Fire wraps Fire board Tongue and groove Building energy rating External wall insulation Roof lights External doors Fire doors Internal doors Wall tiles Fire cable Damp proof membrane Damp proof course Planning permission Plumbing Planning Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Structurally insulated panels Solar panels Fireline board EL Electric showers Light gauge steel