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Building Regulations Parts A-M FAQs

What are the regulations on hygiene?

The Building Regulations, Part G – SI 335 (2008)
G1 -- Bathrooms and Kitchens
A dwelling shall be provided with –
  • a bathroom containing either a fixed bath or a shower bath, and a washbasin, and
  • a kitchen containing a sink of adequate size and a draining board, and
  • a suitable installation for the provision of hot and cold water to the bath or shower bath, washbasin, and sink.
G2 -- Sanitary Conveniences and Washing Facilities
1. Adequate sanitary conveniences shall be provided in a building in rooms provided for that purpose, or in bathrooms, and every room or bathroom containing a sanitary convenience shall be adequately separated from any place where food is prepared or cooked.
2. Adequate washbasins shall be provided in –
  • rooms containing sanitary conveniences or
  • rooms or spaces adjacent to rooms containing sanitary conveniences.
3. Per point 2, there shall be suitable installation for the provision of hot and cold water to washbasins provided.
4. Sanitary conveniences shall be designed to facilitate efficient use of water for flushing.
5. Sanitary conveniences shall be designed and installed to allow for effective cleaning.
G3 -- Definitions
‘sanitary conveniences’ – water closets or urinals
Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Time and temperature Fire board Fireline board Moisture board Tongue and groove Building energy rating Water pump Water tank Bathroom Shower heads Water membrane Water vapour membrane Planning permission Plumbing Planning Plasterboard Employers liability PL Plugs Structurally insulated panels Solar panels EL Electric showers Light gauge steel