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What are the Documents referenced under the Building Control Act/Building Regulations?


The documents as referenced in the Building Control Act/Building Regulations are detailed below.

Table A3a - Building Control Act/Building Regulations Documents - Notices

The above table details the notices that must be submitted prior to development under BCAR, it should be noted that a 7 Day Notice is another form of commencement notice and both are not required to be submitted.

An enforcement notice can be issued by the relevant local authority is the appropriate notices have not been submitted and validated i.e. unauthorised development, works are not in compliance with the Building Regulations etc.

Should the builder or assigned certifier change after the submission of the commencement documentation and prior to completion of the works, this change must be notified to the local authority.

Table A3b - Building Control Act/Building Regulations Documents - Applications

Where relevant the appropriate application listed above should be submitted to the local authority. The submission of a dispensation, fire safety certificate or disability access certificate application should only be made by a suitable qualified competent person.

Table A3c - Building Control Act/Building Regulations Documents - Certificates

Once the works have been completed in accordance with the Building Regulations and any conditions attached to the planning grant and where relevant fire safety certificate and disability access certificate grants the above certificates must be submitted to the local authority through the BCMS portal.

Planning permission External works Fire safety Air to water heat pump Air to air heat pump Air to ground heat pump IS 440 Time and temperature Zone control Ground conditions Planning Fire stopping Fire mastic Fire wraps Fire board Tongue and groove Grant Energy grants Building energy rating Energy performance certificate Fire doors Vapour control layer Fire cable